Fear Free for the win with Dr. Marty Becker, DVM

I had the extreme privilege and honour of meeting Dr. Marty Becker, DVM who was the keynote speaker at this past weekend’s CVMA-SBCV Fall Conference in Vancouver, BC.

This next phrase is something I am extremely certain about…Dr. Marty Becker, DVM is my hero. He is the founder of Fear Free which is a wonderful initiative (and now a reality) that teaches us how to look after animal’s emotional well being. Those of us who work with animals and share our lives with animals don’t work and live with animals with the intention of harming them and causing them stress. Stress can be very damaging to one’s physical health. Animals emotional AND physical well being go hand in hand. We can’t just look after their physical needs with out also considering and looking after their emotional needs and well being.

Fear Free teaches us to look for signs of fear, anxiety and stress in animals and it gives us the tools to help reduce and (even better) to eliminate what is causing fear, anxiety and stress in animals. Fear Free Certification training has been developed for Veterinary Professionals, Trainers and Groomers. The future of Fear Free also includes training for Shelters and Pet Sitters/Dog Walkers.

I am currently Level 1 Fear Free Certified, and you can bet that I will most definitely be participating in the Fear Free Shelter & Pet Sitters/Dog Walkers training once it becomes available. This is part of my commitment in being a Pet Care Professional and only providing the best care and the best experience for pets in my care.

Their website www.fearfreepets.com offers more in-depth information on the foundations of Fear Free in the area of Veterinary, Training and Grooming.

Please visit www.fearfreehappyhomes.com for more information (much of it is free) to see how you can help create an enriched and fear free life for your furry family members.

Be sure to check this out as it can truly transform your pet’s life and your life!

#fearfreepets #fearfree